Thursday, September 1, 2016

Business Mission Statement

My company's business mission statement is to provide the best quality snack items that the public will enjoy no matter what the age. One of the important questions of having a mission statement is found in the text, which follows as, "The foundation of any marketing plan is the firm's mission statement, which answers the question “What business are we in?” (MKTG Pg 21). The business I am in is the snacks and food item business, but it is also the business of creating fun and unique products.  One thing a business should try not to fall into the eyes of the customer is “Marketing myopia - defining a business in terms of goods and services rather than in terms of the benefits customers seek.” (MKTG Pg 21). Most snack-food companies, like Frito-Lay, have this problem and its because companies keep their statements too broad, which is a hard thing not to do because as a company, you must try to reach as big of a demographic as you can. Mission statements help define what a company means and offer to their customers and without one, the general public will not connect with them.  My company states the benefits to the customer is satisfaction through the product’s unique and fun attributes while also being a delicious snack. Having this as my mission statement helps with the rest of the marketing plan and is further confirmed by this quote from the textbook, “By correctly stating the business mission in terms of the benefits that customers seek, the foundation for the marketing plan is set.” (MKTG Pg 22). As my company evolves and grows in terms of sales and customer base, the plan would be to refine my business mission statement to a caliber such as the one that Ben & Jerry’s has.

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