Thursday, August 4, 2016

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

Milennials, the dirty word of this generation it seems. For some it is a term describing those who lack the respect for simpler times, those who take things for granted, and those who are so caught up with themselves and technology that nothing else matters. For others it is just a classification, like baby-boomers and gen x-ers. Now for the textbook definition, “Millennials, or Generation Y, are people born between 1979 and 1994.” (MKTG, PG 55) It is as simple as that but much like every generation before my own, there are marketers that gear their intentions on selling us things that they believe peak our interest. “Millennials may be the most tech-savvy generation yet, spending more time surfing the Web and on social media than they do watching television, listening to radio, or reading newspapers, but they still use and value traditional media.” (MKTG, PG 55)  While I myself cannot speak for the majority of millennials, I do not prefer social media when compared to the more modest and old-fashioned ways of communication, but as for being on the internet, that is a must for anyone nowadays. As for being a Hispanic millennial on the cusp of being slightly older to the newest generation (Gen Z), I am in tune with my culture while being fully aware that I am an American, with being born and raised in the states. Thus comes the issue of where I stand in the demographics realm, where I can either choose to be lumped with primarily being a millennial or being marketed to as a Hispanic. “With such a large number of children being raised inside the United States, it should come as little surprise to researchers that eighty percent of the Latino population prefers English or bilingual programming.” (MKTG, PG 57) “Univision and Telemundo, the largest Hispanic broadcast television networks, both have English subtitles on their prime-time telenovelas, and Univision broke its all-Spanish programming tradition by interviewing Republican presidential hopefuls in English with a Spanish translation.” (MKTG, PG 57) Both these quotes relate to my personal demographic as well as my family’s, with such programming being a staple of our household. To conclude, I believe I am in the position of being targeted by marketers and companies for both aspects of my makeup, as a millennial in-tune with the internet age and as a Hispanic who still prides himself in his culture.

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